Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Noj Eggplant Thiab Zucchini

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Noj Eggplant Thiab Zucchini
Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Noj Eggplant Thiab Zucchini

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Noj Eggplant Thiab Zucchini

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Noj Eggplant Thiab Zucchini
Video: Egg and Zucchini recipe ❗I have never eaten such delicious zucchini! Fresh recipes - quick and easy. 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Eggplant thiab zucchini tais diav tuaj yeem sib txawv: kev noj zaub mov thiab nqaij ntshiv, ntsim thiab nrog nqaij ntxiv. Ntxiv rau, lawv zoo li ntau yam uas lawv haum yuav luag txhua lub rooj noj mov. Cov zaub no tuaj yeem muab ci, ua kib, txhaws, thiab ua khoom noj txom ncauj.

Yuav ua li cas ua noj eggplant thiab zucchini
Yuav ua li cas ua noj eggplant thiab zucchini

Nws yog qhov tsim nyog

    • Rau thawj daim ntawv qhia:
    • zucchini;
    • tsev cheese;
    • Dutch cheese;
    • qij;
    • dill;
    • zaub txhwb qaib;
    • tarragon;
    • ntsev;
    • kua txob;
    • zaub roj.
    • Rau daim ntawv qhia thib ob:
    • lws suav;
    • ntsev;
    • qe;
    • mis;
    • qij;
    • basil;
    • hmoov nplej;
    • dej qab zib;
    • zaub roj.
    • Rau qhov thib peb daim ntawv qhia:
    • Swiss cheese;
    • ntoo thuv ceev;
    • basil;
    • cream;
    • ntsev;
    • kua txob;
    • zucchini;
    • zaub roj.
    • Rau qhov thib plaub qhia:
    • lws suav;
    • ntsev;
    • mayonnaise;
    • txiv roj roj;
    • liab dos;
    • txiv lws suav;
    • nyuaj cheese.

Cov Lus Qhia

Kauj ruam 1

Los npaj zucchini nrog muaj ntxhiab curd, ntxuav thiab tev 3 lub mis-siav lub zucchini. Rau txhua tus zucchini, txiav ntev dua 1, 5 centimeters los ntawm ib sab. Siv ib rab diav me kom tshem cov tub ntxhais ntawm lub cev. RUB 500 grams ntawm tsev cheese dhau los ntawm ib sab cib thiab ua kom lav rau 100 grams Dutch cheese ntawm nplua grater. Quav ob daim tev caws me me kom ntau li ntau tau.

Kauj ruam 2

Ntxuav thiab qhuav ob peb sprigs ntawm dill thiab parsley, ib sprig ntawm tarragon. Quav cov zaub ntsuab. Hloov cov cheese, tsev cheese, tshuaj ntsuab thiab qej rau ib lub tais, lub caij nrog kua txob, ntsev thiab do. Muab cov zucchini nrog qhov npaj tau txhij thiab npog nrog cov txiav txiav, ruaj ntseg nrog cov nplauv muag. Cuav daim ntawv ci nrog roj roj, muab zucchini rau nws thiab muab tso rau hauv qhov cub preheated rau 180 ° C rau ib nrab ib teev.

Kauj ruam 3

Fry cov eggplants hauv qej batter. Txhawm rau ua qhov no, ntxuav kom huv si, so nrog ib daim ntawv txhuam thiab txiav ib lub qe rau hauv cov voj voog. Npaj dej qab ntsev heev thiab tsau cov qe hauv nws rau 3 teev. Npaj lub batter. Whisk 2 nqaij qaib qe nrog nteg ntsev thiab 2 diav mis.

Kauj ruam 4

Ntxiv rau lub pinch ntawm cov dej qab zib ci, 2 cloves ntawm qej minced los ntawm qej xovxwm, 2 teaspoons ntawm basil qhuav. Ncuav nyob rau hauv 200 grams hmoov thiab sib tov zoo. Tshem tawm cov kab mob eggplant mugs los ntawm dej thiab pat ua kom qhuav. Poob rau hauv batter thiab Fry tshaj nruab nrab kub, hauv zaub roj, kom txog thaum zoo nkauj golden xim av tawv tawv.

Kauj ruam 5

Txhawm rau ci cov zucchini hauv txiv laum huab xeeb, ua kom zoo siab 100 grams ntawm Swiss cheese ntawm ntxig grater. Siv lub tshuab zeb, tsuav 100 gram ntawm cov ntoo thuv ceev ua rau hauv cov pob me me. Yaug thiab qhuav 4 basil sprigs, chop tshuaj ntsuab. Hauv ib lub tais, sib txuas ntawm cov zaub qhwv, cheese, txiv ntoo thiab 4 diav ntawm qab zib. Tsuag nrog ntsev thiab kua txob.

Kauj Ruam 6

Txiav txhua 4 leeg hluas zucchini hauv ib nrab lengthwise. Muab lawv tso rau hauv ib lub tais ci. Tshaj tawm cov kua taum peanut tshaj lub zucchini, npog lub tin nrog ntawv ci thiab ci rau 20 feeb ntawm 180 ° C.

Kauj Ruam 7

Ci lub eggplant nyob rau hauv qhov cub. Txhawm rau ua qhov no, txiav 2 nruab nrab eggplants rau hauv daim. Koj yuav tsum tau txiav raws tag nrho cov zaub kom cov hlais tsis ntau tshaj 1 centimeter tuab. Ntsev me ntsis thiab txhuam qhov saum npoo ntawm txhua daim nrog mayonnaise. Quav me me li qhov ua tau thiab saut 2 lub dos loj liab hauv cov roj txiv roj.

Kauj ruam 8

Txiav ib qho loj txiv lws suav rau hauv lub ntsuas. Tso lub qe txaij rau ntawm daim ntawv ci, tso cov dos thiab kua txiv rau lawv. RUB txog 120 grams ntawm tawv cheese sab saum toj. Ci hauv qhov cub li 20 feeb ntawm 180 ° C.

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